Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Computer Confusions

I just wonder why it takes me so many tries to get this google world thingamagig working. So, I finally get it started and emailed to myself. And, so I open it at home on my computer, and suddenly my computer does not respond. "Are you tired?" I ask my little notebook. "Is this too much for you?" Still, no answer. Ok- I'm stumped.

So, I turn off my little friend Eee. I stroke it. I clean the outside. I clean the screen. I figure that maybe I just have to show it I care, and perhaps it will work again. I turn it on, and it is sooooo slow. So, I decide to defrag it. (At least that is something I know how to do). I get that started and head to the kitchen to heat up some water.

I fix myself some tea and come back to my little friend Eee. It has been a while, twenty minutes perhaps, and I touch a key to light up the screen. I look at the progress bar. "12%" it says. Ok, I'll go do something else. And, something else. And, something else. Well, maybe I'll take a nap.

So, finally it is done. "Restart your computer blah, blah, blah". I do. When I restart my computer, there is a box with a warning. Oh, no! I turn off my computer and wait for the weekend to arrive, when my computer savvy husband will be able take a look and heal my little computer.

No Google Earth for you, little one!

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