Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chance Art Recipe

Recipe for a Colorful Pie

So, this is the recipe for the Chance Art project that I blogged about a few days ago


1 sheet of paper (8½ x 11 or bigger)

1 die

1 fine point pen (sharpie works)

8-12 different colored pencils

utensils necessary for drawing circles (dinner plate. Salad plate etc)

a list of friends to call (or email list, or facebook list)

telephone or computer


1. Toss a die. Add 1 to the result. This is the amount of circles that will be drawn on the page, after you have all your results.

2. Make a list of the colors your have available, i.e. red, yellow, purple, green, white, etc. (I chose mine from a set and picked out every third pencil – color names were those on the pencils themselves).

3. Call the first name on your list and ask the following questions:

a. Please choose a number 1 thru x (depending on the number of circles you’ve drawn)

b. Please choose a color (from your list of colors)

c. Please choose another number 1, 2 or 3)

4. Write down each of these answers. A chart is useful to keep track of answers.

5. Call the second person on your list and repeat steps 5 through 10.

6. Repeat until you have exhausted your list.

7. Draw your circles using a fine point pen. Size will depend on the number of spaces chosen by respondents. Depending on the number of circles, they may overlap in order to fit on the page.

8. Using fine point pen, divide each circle into the total amount of sections selected by respondents, like you would a large pizza (8 lines)

9. Now, take the colored pencil that matches the color chosen, and color 1,2,or 3 sections in circle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. In other words, the first number chosen tells you which circle to color, and the second number chosen tell you how many sections to color.

10. Fill in the sections starting from the top and clockwise sequentially. Do not skip sections

11. Number each circle 1, 2, 3, etc (place numbers outside, but next to each circle, or just remember the number of each one)

Note: you can also, or instead, send a mass email to your contacts with these questions and simply fill in your circles as you open the emails returned. Or, you could send a request to all your facebook friends and get answers that way.

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